Sunday, April 24, 2011

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Home Remedies

The urinary tract’s function is mainly to filter and facilitate in the removal of body’s waste products like urea, creatinine, excess water and many others. When the urinary tract is infected because of bacteria like the Escherichia Coli, it becomes infected thus urinary tract infection (UTI) happens. It is not a life threatening disease but further disregard can lead to one. While medications are available, there are effective and less costly urinary Tract Infection home remedies.
Statistics and scientific bases have enough information that amongst men and women, it is the latter that mostly experience having urinary tract infection. This is because women have a much shorter urinary tract which makes them susceptible to bacteria and certain infections. One of the most common problem or infection is cystitis wherein the urinary bladder is the one infected. On the other hand, pyelonephritis is the most common upper urinary tract infection and this condition can be more serious and can lead to kidney failure if not treated.
There are many causes of urinary tract infection but all these can be cured by natural remedies. Since the genitals are near the rectum, bacteria dwelling in the anal area can spread up to the urethra causing infection. On the other hand, there are cases wherein men and women wait too long before urinating. This causes the bladed to stretch in order to hold the urine. When this is done often, the bladder’s muscle will weaken and there is a great chance that UTI can happen.
In some women, having coitus can cause UTI. The bacteria can enter into the urethra during the intercourse since the urinary tract is shorter. Other prevalent conditions like pregnancy and diabetes can lead to this condition.
When a patient experiences urinary tract infection, there is always pain when urination or dysuria. At some point, there is always an urge to urinate and sometimes, there is hematuria or blood when urinating. Fever is also present especially in the early days of infection. In some cases, flank pain is also felt especially when the infection is near the kidney area or pyelonephritis. Cloudy urination is observed and sometimes a foul smelling urine.
Since UTI is not focused on one area alone, there are different symptoms felt depending on the area of problem. For instance, when the infection is at the bladder area, the patient may also feel abdominal pain, some pelvic pressure and low fever. These symptoms are different when the kidney is infected because the problem can include high-grade fever, vomiting, child and nausea.
When treating UTI, it is easy for those uncomplicated problems. usually, taking antibiotics can solve the problem along with some home remedies. Drugs can include amoxicillin, ampicillin, trimethoprim and other. However, if patients are allergic to ampicillins, they can take quinolones like ofloxacin, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin and the like. Usually, the problem can be cured in less than a week however, there are patients wherein the signs and symptoms are delayed. Candidates for this condition are patient with diabetes or men with prostate problems. The treatment will be longer because observations are also made and other considerations since there are underlying problems.
Apart from the medications prescribed by the physician, there are also urinary tract infection home remedies. It is effective and there is no need to pay extra since these are natural remedies and can be found at the comforts of the patient’s home.
Firstly, when having a urinary tract infection, it is essential to drink lots of water. In any condition especially infection, keeping the body hydrated is important. The water will help flush out the bacteria in the urinary tract. Thus, the patient will frequently urinate causing urinary stone formation to be washed away keeping it clean and bacteria-free.
Aside from drinking water, it is also advisable to take in cranberry juice. There is a substance from the cranberry juice that keeps bacteria away from entering the urinary tract.  A substitute of fresh cranberries or blueberries can be taken. Baking soda is also a good way to treat UTI. Just add a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water. This helps in neutralizing the acidity of the urine and aids for a faster recovery. Adding about 2 to 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar is also useful since it helps in killing bacteria associated with the urinary tract infection. In tropical countries where coconut is very popular, sipping tender coconut water helps in relieving the problem. This is only cheap and quite accessible.
When planning to take herbal medicines, it is also available and can be bought right away. Oregon grape root or goldenseals are effective in destroying and killing microorganisms. A daily intake of vitamin C especially on the onset of illness is advisable to avoid complications of the problem. It helps in increasing the acidity of the urine making the urinary tract difficult to penetrate. Eating pineapples also help since it contains bromelain. There was a study wherein they wherein the patients had a speedy recovery when they had UTI.
There are also diet restrictions when having a UTI. patients cannot eat sweet foods like chocolates, cakes, and processed foods like cheese and some meat because bacteria easily grows with those medium. Drinking sodas and carbonated drinks that contain aspartame should be avoided until the condition is cured.
Hygienic practices should be done like wiping from front to back after every urination and washing the genital area after every intercourse. Instead of taking bubble baths, it is advisable to take shower instead. lastly, a warm compress in the abdominal area will help in alleviating the abdominal cramps and pain.

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