Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jock Itch (Tinea Cruris) – Pictures, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Jock itch or Tinea Cruris is  basically a form of ringworm and a skin contagion. Primarily it affects the skin of the genitals, inner thighs, scrotum in males and buttocks areas. These areas are warm and moist and the itch results in reddish irritated ring-shaped rashes. Anyone who is overweight prompting a skin to skin rub and perspires a lot like sports persons is susceptible to this infection. It can affect women as well, though in rare case.
Ringworm is not to be taken as a form of worm; it is purely an infection of skin referred simply as ringworm (tinea).

Body ringworms :

Jock itch (tinea cruris) -

Infects the groin & the skin adjacent to it.

Nail ringworm (tinea unguium) –

Also called onychomycosis renders the nails opaque, stiffened and brittle. Women using  artificial nails and people suffering from peripheral vascular disease are prone to it.

Scalp ringworm (tinea capitis) -

Caused by fungus Tricophyton tonsurans leads to sores or lesions called keroins on the scalp skin. It affects children mainly due to poor hygiene.

Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) -

Caused by Trycophyton is spread as painful rashes, peeling and scaling’s on the toes, fingers and spaces betwixt them. Mainly is transmitted by walking or remaining in moist wet areas like that found in showers or bathrooms.

Beard ringworm (tinea barbae) -

Called the “barber’s itch” are lesions on the bearded areas of men and young adolescents.Zoophilic Antro-pophilic fungi are the one responsible for causing it. In females and young children it is termed as Tinea faciei.

Is Jock Itch Contagious?

Engaging in sexual encounters is the prime reason for the spread of this infection amongst people. Also if one does not care enough to wash their hands after touching, scratching or rubbing the area, then they are responsible for spreading it to others by means of hands shaking, hugging and touching. Also sharing undergarments, swimming costumes, other clothing’s, towels and kerchiefs of the infected person will spread the contagion. Regular visits to activities like swimming and gym open to public is also a potential source of tinea fungus. Thus it is advisable to go in for a shower before and after engaging in such activities.

Jock Itch Causes

What causes jock itch?

  • Moistness and persistent warmth of the area of the groin, inner thighs and skin nearby. Fungi thrive well in such appeasing conditions.
  • Usually inner wears or undergarments are tight enough to render the specific area covered in sweat for longer periods of time. This leads to development of rashes and irritation due to fungi growth.
  • Obesity and people who perspire profusely are vulnerable towards it.
  • Sharing clothing of people, using public locker rooms and public swimming pools where molds like Trychophytin Epidermophyton floccosum thrive can cause the spread of the infection.
  • A suppressed immune system due to ailments like HIV/AIDS, diabetes, chemotherapy, hepatitis or due the effect of immunosuppressant makes you vulnerable to the infection.
  • Food intolerance, like lactose intolerance, yeast, gluten and fructose sensitivity is equally responsible.
  • Heat, humidity and friction can also be the causes of jock itch. In women area underneath the breasts are prone to it.
  • Lack of enough blood circulation and insufficient quantity of oxygen in blood are other reasons.
  • Yeast called Candila albicans produces abscesses on tip of penis and effects people suffering from diabetes mellitus.

Jock Itch pictures

Jock Itch : Photo 1
Jock Itch : Photo 2
Jock Itch : Photo 3

Jock Itch Symptoms

  • The initial simple symptoms of jock itch are of mild recurrent irritations in the areas of inner thighs and groin just where the groin touches the inner thighs skin which soon migrates to burning feelings and abrasions.
  • Rashes are ring-shaped about an inch in size, light red or pink in hue in the beginning, and lately develops to be bumpy, dry even filled with pus which might ooze out.
  • Extremities may result in discoloration of the affected skin area causing hyperpigmentation(skin darker than normal color) and hypopigmentation (skin lighter than normal color).
  • The other signs of jock itch like blisters can be painful and irritating, scalp ringworm will cause small patches without hair developing keroins.
  • Ringworm of nail will make them look whitish, delicate and thickened. Tenia pedis results in skin flaking in toes and will be extremely itchy.

Jock Itch Treatment & Cure

Anti fungal medications and jock itch remedies are available to inhibit the growth of infection and eventually curing it. Usually all the ointments contain oxiconazole, terbinafine, naftifine, ciclopirox, econazole nitrate or tolnaftate (Tinactin), micatin and lotrimin, works to prevent the fungus from making ergosterol. This substance does not allow the fungi to build an intact cell membrane and thereby restricts its growth ultimately killing it.
Glucocorticoid steroids are used to sooth itching and in combination of anti-fungal agents they works towards preventing secondary bacterial infections.
If you are wondering how to treat jock itch then here are certain self-care tips to be implemented to render benefits;
  • Contrary to common belief use of antibacterial soaps will be of no good, instead use soap consisting of coconut oil essentials.
  • Simply washing with plain water is helpful. Apply lot of petroleum based jelly as lubricant to suppress itchy feeling and burning sensation.
  • For restoring the natural acid layer of the skin and combating smell, apply a mixture of warm water mixed with lemon juice or apple cedar vinegar.
  • Make sure that you wear cotton woven loose clothing like boxers and shorts. Avoid anything too tight which will cause you to sweat.
  • Prefer sleeping naked so that affected area has enough room to breathe.
  • After strenuous physical activity try to take a bath with plain water to clean sweat and grit.
  • Coconut oil mixed with either just 5 drops of olive oil or tea tree oil can be applied as antifungal solutions twice daily.
  • Antifungal Jock itch cream, powder or spray can give some relief.
Though jock itch can be a distressing condition for the one who suffers from it, but it is not incurable. Its prognosis is very good and beneficial and once diagnosed it can be promptly treated with OTC medications and home remedies. Major or extreme cases of it can lead to chronic disfiguring or scarring and can be embarrassing, so it is advisable to take action right from the first signs and take proper precautions.